
Course : Programming Languages

Programming in C & C++

There’s no question that software programming is a hot career right now. Not all programming jobs are the same, however. Different roles, companies, and types of software require knowing and understanding different programming languages—and it’s often beneficial to know multiple languages. Trying to break into the field of software programming can be a daunting experience, especially for professionals with no prior programming experience. Whether you’re new to programming or looking to brush up on your skills, it helps to know which languages are in high demand. Here are 10 of the most popular programming languages of 2020 based on the number of job postings listed on job search site Indeed, the average annual salary for those jobs, and factors such as ease of use and potential for growth.


Benefits: Along with Python and Java, C forms a “good foundation” for learning how to program, Gorton says. As one of the first programming languages ever developed, C has served as the foundation for writing more modern languages such as Python, Ruby, and PHP. It is also an easy language to debug, test, and maintain. Drawbacks: Since it’s an older programming language, C is not suitable for more modern use cases such as websites or mobile applications. C also has a complex syntax as compared to more modern languages. Common uses: Because it can run on any type of device, C is often used to program hardware, such as embedded devices in automobiles and medical devices used in healthcare.


Benefits: C++ is an extension of C that works well for programming the systems that run applications, as opposed to the applications themselves. C++ also works well for multi-device and multi-platform systems. Over time, programmers have written a large set of libraries and compilers for C++. Being able to use these utilities effectively is just as important to understanding a programming language as writing code, Gorton says. Drawbacks: Like C, C++ has complex syntax and an abundance of features that can make it complicated for new programmers. C++ also does not support run-time checking, which is a method of detecting errors or defects while software is running. Common uses: C++ has many uses and is the language behind everything from computer games to mathematical simulations.

1) Introduction to C & C++
2) Variables & Data Types
3) Keywords , Identifiers
4) Basic Program Syntax in C/C++
5) Decision Control in C/C++
6) Loop statements in C/C++
7) Use of Array in C/C++
8) Use of Functions in C/C++
9) Use of Pointers in C/C++
10) Use of String in C/C++
11) Structure in C/C++
12) Files in C/C++
13) Class & Object in C++
14) Constructor in C++
15) Inheritance in C++
16) Function Overloadin in C++
17) Polymorphism in C++
18) Virtual Functions in C++
19) Exception Handling in C++
20) Data Encapsulation in C++


Both Theoretical and Practical Exams will be held after 7-10 days of proper completion of the course and our Central Govt. Certificates and Mark-sheets with be provided to successful students.

Core Java

1) Java Installation

2) Java & JVM architecture

3) Java Data types , Variables, Keywords & Identifiers

4) Java Operators and Expressions

5) Java Control Structures

6) Java Arrays

7) Java Methods

8) Java Object & Class

9) Java Access Specifiers
10)Object Oriented Programming in Java

11)Java Inheritance
12)Java Overriding
13)Java Polymorphism
14)Java Abstraction
15)Java Encapsulation
16)Java Packages & Interfaces
17)Java Abstract class
18)Exceptional Handling in Java
19)Multi-Threading in Java
20) Applet in Java

Advance Java

JDBC Overview & Architecture
JDBC Driver Types
Types of ResultSet
Creating Database in MYSQL
Connecting PHP-MY-ADMIN with Java NETBEANS.
Insert Records
Update Records
Delete Records
Creating Log-in Form
Complete Practical Project

2) JSP
Life Cycle of JSP
JSP Scriptlet Tags
JSP Expression Tags
JSP Declaration Tags
JSP Requests
JSP Response
JSP Config
JSP Application
JSP Session
JSP PageContext
JSP Page
JSP Exception
JSP Page Direct
JSP CRUD Example
Development in JSP


Servlet Introduction
Servlet API
Servlet Interface
Generic Servlet
How Servlet works?
Servlet in Netbeans
Session Tracking
Cookies in Servlet
Servlet CRUD
Development with Servlet




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    Programming In Java - Core & Advance Level

    2) Java

    Benefits: Java is the programming language most commonly associated with the development of client-server applications, which are used by large businesses around the world. Java is designed to be a loosely coupled programming language, meaning that an application written in Java can run on any platform that supports Java. As a result, Java is described as the “write once, run anywhere” programming language.

    Drawbacks: Java is not ideal for applications that run on the cloud, as opposed to the server (which is common for business applications). In addition, the software company Oracle, which owns Java, charges a licensing fee to use the Java Development Kit.

    Common uses: Along with business applications, Java is used extensively in the Android mobile operating system.


    Core Java

    1) Java Installation

    2) Java & JVM architecture

    3) Java Data types , Variables, Keywords & Identifiers

    4) Java Operators and Expressions

    5) Java Control Structures

    6) Java Arrays

    7) Java Methods

    8) Java Object & Class

    9) Java Access Specifiers
    10)Object Oriented Programming in Java

    11)Java Inheritance
    12)Java Overriding
    13)Java Polymorphism
    14)Java Abstraction
    15)Java Encapsulation
    16)Java Packages & Interfaces
    17)Java Abstract class
    18)Exceptional Handling in Java
    19)Multi-Threading in Java
    20) Applet in Java

    Advance Java

    1) JDBC
    JDBC Overview & Architecture
    JDBC Driver Types
    Types of ResultSet
    Creating Database in MYSQL
    Connecting PHP-MY-ADMIN with Java NETBEANS.
    Insert Records
    Update Records
    Delete Records
    Creating Log-in Form
    Complete Practical Project

    2) JSP
    Life Cycle of JSP
    JSP Scriptlet Tags
    JSP Expression Tags
    JSP Declaration Tags
    JSP Requests
    JSP Response
    JSP Config
    JSP Application
    JSP Session
    JSP PageContext
    JSP Page
    JSP Exception
    JSP Page Direct
    JSP CRUD Example
    Development in JSP


    3) SERVLET
    Servlet Introduction
    Servlet API
    Servlet Interface
    Generic Servlet
    How Servlet works?
    Servlet in Netbeans
    Session Tracking
    Cookies in Servlet
    Servlet CRUD
    Development with Servlet




    Both Theoretical and Practical Exams will be held after 7-10 days of proper completion of the course and our Central Govt. Certificates and Mark-sheets with be provided to successful students.

    Programming in Python Language- Core & Advance Level

    1) Python

    Benefits: Python is widely regarded as a programming language that’s easy to learn, due to its simple syntax, a large library of standards and toolkits, and integration with other popular programming languages such as C and C++. In fact, it’s the first language that students learn in the Align program, Gorton says. “You can cover a lot of computer science concepts quickly, and it’s relatively easy to build on.” It is a popular programming language, especially among startups, and therefore Python skills are in high demand.

    Drawbacks: Python is not suitable for mobile application development.

    Common uses: Python is used in a wide variety of applications, including artificial intelligence, financial services, and data science. Social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest are also built on Python.


    1) Working with Data Types - Lists , Tuple , Dictionaries, String

    2) Python Functions

    3) Python Modules & Packages

    4)Functional Programming

    5) Object Oriented Programming

    6) Database Handling using Python

    7) Working with Files in Python

    8) Use of Numpy

    9) Use of Pandas for Data Analysis

    10) Matplotlib for Python Plotting
    11) Dynamic visualizations



    Both Theoretical and Practical Exams will be held after 7-10 days of proper completion of the course and our Central Govt. Certificates and Mark-sheets with be provided to successful students.

    Programming in R Language


    Benefits: R is heavily used in statistical analytics and machine learning applications. The language is extensible and runs on many operating systems. Many large companies have adopted R in order to analyze their massive data sets, so programmers who know R are in great demand. 

    Drawbacks: R does not have the strict programming guidelines of older and more established languages. 

    Common uses: R is primarily used in statistical software products. 


    R- Basic

    1) Introduction to Python

    2) Variables & Data Types

    3) Data Structure

    4) Flow of Control

    5) Working with Loops

    6) Functions in Python

    7) Numpy Modules

    8) Pandas Module

    9) Data Visualization

    10) Practical Project

    R- Advance

    1) How to prepare data for analysis in R
    2) How to perform the median imputation method in R
    3) How to work with date-times in R
    4) What Lists are and how to use them
    5) What the Apply family of functions is
    6) How to use apply(), lapply() and sapply() instead of loops
    7) How to nest your own functions within apply-type functions
    8) How to nest apply(), lapply() and sapply() functions within each other

    9. Preparing Data in R

    a. Data Cleaning

    b. Data imputation

    c. Data conversion

    10. Visualizing data using R with different type of graphs and charts

    Both Theoretical and Practical Exams will be held after 7-10 days of proper completion of the course and our Central Govt. Certificates and Mark-sheets with be provided to successful students.

    Programming in PHP & MYSQL


    Benefits: PHP is widely used for server-side web development, when a website frequently requests information from a server. As an older language, PHP benefits from a large ecosystem of users who have produced frameworks, libraries, and automation tools to make the programming language easier to use. PHP code is also easy to debug.

    Drawbacks: As Python and JavaScript have gained popularity, PHP’s popularity has dropped. PHP is also known for its security vulnerabilities. According to Indeed, most PHP programmers take short-term roles that last less than one year.

    Common uses: PHP is the code running content-oriented websites such as Facebook, WordPress, and Wikipedia. 


    PHP- Basic

    1) Introduction to PHP

    2) PHP Basic Syntax

    3) PHP Variables

    4) PHP Operators

    5) Conditional Statements in PHP

    6) PHP Switch Case Statement

    7) PHP Array

    8) Loops in PHP

    9) PHP Functions

    10) PHP Form Handling

    11) PHP File Handling

    PHP- Advance

    1) PHP Form Validation
    2) PHP Form Required
    3) PHP Form Complete
    4) PHP Date & Time
    5) PHP File Open/Read
    6) PHP File Create/Write
    7) PHP File Upload
    8) PHP Cookies
    9) PHP Sessions
    10)PHP Filters



    2) MYSQL Connect

    3) MYSQL Create Database

    4) MYSQL create Table

    5) MYSQL Insert Data

    6) MYSQL Insert Multiple Data

    7) MYSQL  Prepared

    8) MYSQL  Select Data

    9) MYSQL Where 

    10)  MYSQL  Order By

    11) MYSQL  Delete

    12) MYSQL  Update Data


    Both Theoretical and Practical Exams will be held after 7-10 days of proper completion of the course and our Central Govt. Certificates and Mark-sheets with be provided to successful students.

    Python Programming

    Module 1

    Introduction to Python , Syntax , Variables , Data Types , Numbers , Casting

    Module 2

    Python String , Booleans , Operators , Loops in Python , Functions in Python

    Module 3

    Python List , Tuples , Sets , Dictionaries , Lambda function , Arrays in Python , Python Class/Objects , Python Inheritance , File Handling with Python.


    Module – 1. Data Handling and Manipulation

    • Numpy: Advanced indexing, Broadcasting, Vectorization, and Linear Algebra.
    • Pandas: Advanced DataFrame operations, MultiIndex, Time Series, Merging, Joining, and Reshaping DataFrames.
    • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Handling missing data, outliers, data normalization, and standardization.
    • Regular Expressions: Data extraction and cleaning using regex.
    • SQL and Databases: Interfacing Python with SQL databases (e.g., using sqlite3, SQLAlchemy).

    Module 2. Data Visualization

    • Matplotlib & Seaborn: Advanced plots, customizations, 3D plots, and interactive visualizations.
    • Plotly: Interactive plots, Dash for web-based analytics applications.
    • Geospatial Visualization: Libraries like Geopandas and Folium for handling and visualizing geographic data.

    Module -3. Statistics and Probability

    • Descriptive Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode, Variance, Standard Deviation.
    • Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis testing, Confidence intervals, p-values, ANOVA.
    • Probability Distributions: Normal, Binomial, Poisson, etc.

    Module -4 . Machine Learning with Python

    • Supervised Learning: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), etc.
    • Unsupervised Learning: K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, DBSCAN, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), t-SNE.


    Java Programming

    Module 1 – Java Introduction , Java Installation , Java & JVM architecture , Java Data types , Variables, Keywords & Identifiers , Java Operators and Expressions , Java Control Structures.

    Module 2 – Java Arrays , Java Methods , Java Object & Class , Java Access Specifiers , Object Oriented Programming in Java , String.

    Module 3 – Java Inheritance , Java Overriding , Java Polymorphism , Java Abstraction , Java Encapsulation , Java Packages & Interfaces , Java Abstract class , Exceptional Handling in Java , Multi-Threading in Java , Applet in Java.

    Module 1 – JDBC – JDBC Overview & Architecture , JDBC Driver Types , Types of ResultSet , Creating Database in MYSQL , Connecting PHP-MY-ADMIN with Java NETBEANS , Insert Records , Update Records , Delete Records , Creating Log-in Form.

    Module 2- JSP – JSP Introduction , Life Cycle of JSP , JSP Scriptlet Tags , JSP Expression Tags , JSP Declaration Tags , JSP Requests , JSP Response , JSP Config , JSP Application , JSP Session JSP PageContext , JSP Page , JSP Exception , JSP Page Direct , JSP CRUD Example , Development in JSP.

    Module 3 – SERVLET

    Servlet Introduction , Servlet API , Servlet Interface , Generic Servlet , HttpServlet , How Servlet works ? , Servlet in Netbeans ,ServletRequest , ServletConfig , Session Tracking Cookies in Servlet , Servlet CRUD , Development with Servlet

    Module -1 . Java Networking

    • Advanced socket programming (TCP/UDP)
    • Non-blocking I/O with NIO for network communication
    • Implementing custom protocols
    • Working with RESTful and SOAP web services

    Module -2. Java Design Patterns

    • Advanced design patterns (Factory, Singleton, Adapter, Proxy, Observer, Strategy, Decorator, Command, etc.)
    • Enterprise patterns (DAO, DTO, MVC, Dependency Injection)
    • Understanding anti-patterns and design pattern best practices

    Module -3. Advanced Java Frameworks

    Spring Framework:

    • Spring Core: Advanced Dependency Injection (DI), Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
    • Spring Boot: Microservices, REST API development, data access with Spring Data
    • Spring Security: Advanced authentication and authorization mechanisms
    • Spring Cloud: Building microservices architecture, service discovery, circuit breakers

    Hibernate and JPA: Advanced mappings, caching, and performance optimization

    • Microservices and Distributed Systems: Microservices architecture patterns, inter-service communication, distributed transactions

    Module – 4 . Advanced Java Collections

    • Custom implementations of collections
    • Efficient use of data structures (HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, etc.)
    • Understanding time complexity and performance trade-offs
    • Using concurrent collections (ConcurrentHashMap, CopyOnWriteArrayList)


    Java Script Programming

    Module -1 . Basics of JavaScript

    Syntax, variables (let, const, var) , Data types (string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, bigint) , Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, assignment) , Control structures (conditional statements like if, else, switch and loops like for, while, do…while) , Functions (declaration, expression, arrow functions, higher-order functions)

    Module – 2 . DOM (Document Object Model) Manipulation

    Selecting elements (getElementById, querySelector, etc.) , Modifying elements (text, styles, attributes) , Event handling (click, mouseover, keyboard events) , Event delegation and bubbling

    Module – 3 . JavaScript Functions

    Function declaration, expression, and arrow functions , IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions) , Closures and lexical scoping , Function arguments, default parameters, and rest parameters , this keyword and its context

    Module – 4 . JavaScript Objects

    • Creating and manipulating objects (object literals, constructors) , Prototypes and inheritance , Object methods, this keyword in objects , ES6 Classes and class inheritance , Object destructuring, spread operator, and rest properties

    Module – 5 . Arrays and Iteration

    Array creation, manipulation methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, slice, splice, etc.) , Iteration methods (map, filter, reduce, forEach, etc.) , Array destructuring, rest, and spread operators

    Module – 6 . Error Handling

    • try, catch, finally blocks , Custom errors and throw keyword , Error types (SyntaxError, TypeError, ReferenceError, etc.) , Fetch API and HTTP requests


    Module -1 . Advanced Functions and Closures

    Advanced function scope, closures, and lexical environments , Higher-order functions and functional programming concepts , Currying, partial application, memorization , Recursion and tail call optimization

    Module -2 . Advanced Object Concepts

    Prototypes and prototype chain, inheritance , Object-oriented programming (OOP) principles in JavaScript , Private and static methods in ES6 classes , Symbol type and Symbol-based properties

    Module -3 . Advanced Asynchronous Programming

    Deep dive into Promises (Promise.race, Promise.all, Promise.allSettled) , Async generators and for await…of , Web Workers and Service Workers for multi-threading , Understanding the Event Loop in depth

    Module -4 . JavaScript Modules and Build Tools

    ES Modules (import/export syntax, dynamic imports) , CommonJS and AMD modules , Module bundlers (Webpack, Rollup, Parcel) , Task runners (Gulp, Grunt) , Transpiling with Babel

    Module -5 . Error Handling and Debugging

    Advanced error handling strategies , Custom errors and extending the Error object , Debugging techniques and tools (browser dev tools, breakpoints, call stack analysis)

    C++ Programming

    Module – 1 – Introduction to C++:

    History and Evolution , Differences between C and C++ , Compilation and Execution Process

    Module – 2 – Syntax and Structure:

    Structure of a C++ Program , Header Files and Preprocessor Directives , Input/Output using cin and cout

    Module – 3 – Data Types and Variables:

    Built-in Data Types (int, float, double, char, bool) , Modifiers (signed, unsigned, short, long), Variable Declarations, Initialization, and Scope , Constants (const and constexpr)

    Module – 4 – Operators:

    Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment Operators , Increment/Decrement Operators

    Conditional (Ternary) Operator , Operator Precedence

    Module – 5 – Control Flow:

    Conditional Statements (if, else if, switch) , Loops (for, while, do-while) , break, continue, and goto

    Module – 6 – Functions:

    Function Declaration and Definition , Function Overloading , Default Arguments , Inline Functions, Recursion

    Module – 7 – Arrays and Strings:

    One-dimensional and Multi-dimensional Arrays , C-Style Strings (char arrays) , String Manipulation using Standard Library (std::string)

    Module – 8 – Pointers and References:

    • Pointers: Declaration, Initialization, and Arithmetic , nullptr and Smart Pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr) , References: Lvalue and Rvalue References , Pointer to Functions

    Module – 9 – Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics:

    Classes and Objects , Member Variables and Member Functions , Constructors and Destructors

    Access Specifiers (public, private, protected)

    Module – 10 – Dynamic Memory Management:

    Dynamic Allocation (new, delete) , Memory Leaks and Prevention

    Module – 11 – Namespaces:

    • Introduction to Namespaces , Using namespace and std

    Module – 1-  Advanced Object-Oriented Programming:

    Inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multilevel) , Polymorphism (Compile-time and Run-time) , Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes , Function Overriding , Friend Classes and Functions , this Pointer

    Module – 2-  Operator Overloading:

    Overloading Arithmetic, Relational, and Assignment Operators , Overloading Unary and Binary Operators , Overloading Input/Output Operators (<< and >>)

    Module – 3-  Exception Handling:

    try, catch, and throw Keywords , Standard Exception Classes , Creating Custom Exceptions

    Module – 4-  Templates:

    Function Templates , Class Templates , Template Specialization , Variadic Templates

    Module – 5-  Standard Template Library (STL):

    Containers: vector, list, deque, set, map, etc. , Iterators , Algorithms (Sorting, Searching, etc.)

    Function Objects (Functors) , Lambda Expressions

    Module – 6-  File Handling and Streams:

    File I/O using fstream, ifstream, ofstream , Binary File Operations , Stream Manipulators and Buffer Management

    C Programming

    Module – 1 –  Introduction to C Programming:

    History and Overview , Structure of a C Program , Compilation and Execution Process

    Module – 2 –Data Types and Variables:

    Basic Data Types (int, float, char, double) , Variable Declarations and Initialization , Constants (const and #define)

    Module – 3- Operators:

    Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise, and Assignment Operators , Increment and Decrement Operators , Conditional (Ternary) Operator

    Module – 4 – Input/Output:

    printf() and scanf() functions , Character Input/Output (getchar(), putchar()) , File Handling (fopen(), fclose(), fread(), fwrite())

    Module – 5 – Control Structures:

    Conditional Statements (if, else if, switch) , Loops (for, while, do-while)

    Module – 6 – Functions:

    Function Definition and Declaration , Return Types and Parameters , Recursion

    Module – 7 – Arrays and Strings:

    One-dimensional and Multi-dimensional Arrays , String Handling (using char arrays) , Common String Functions (strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(), etc.)

    Module – 1 – Pointers:

    Pointer Declaration and Initialization , Pointer Arithmetic , Pointers and Arrays , Pointers to Functions

    Module – 2 – Structures and Unions:

    Defining and Using Structures , Array of Structures , Unions

    Module – 3 – Memory Management:

    • Dynamic Memory Allocation (malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free())

    Module – 4 – Advanced Pointer Concepts:

    Pointer to Pointer , Function Pointers , Memory Leaks and Dangling Pointers

    Module – 5 – File Handling in Depth:

    Random Access in Files , Reading and Writing Binary Files , File Positioning (fseek(), ftell(), rewind())

    R Programming

    Module -1 – Introduction to R:

    Overview of R and its Uses , Installing R and RStudio , Understanding the R Environment and RStudio Interface

    Module -2 – Basic Syntax:

    Variables and Assignment (<- vs =) , Comments and Code Formatting , Working with Scripts and the Console

    Module -3 – Data Types and Structures:

    Basic Data Types: Numeric, Integer, Character, Logical, Complex , Data Structures: Vectors, Lists, Matrices, Data Frames, Factors , Type Checking and Coercion (is.numeric(), as.character())

    Module -4 – Operators:

    Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/%) , Relational Operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=) , Logical Operators (&, |, !) , Assignment Operators (<-, <<-, =)

    Module -5 – Basic Functions:

    Using Built-in Functions (mean(), sum(), length()) , Writing Custom Functions , Default Arguments and Return Values

    Module -5 – Control Structures:

    Conditional Statements (if, else) , Loops (for, while, repeat) , break and next Keywords

    Module -6 – Data Import and Export:

    Reading and Writing CSV Files (read.csv(), write.csv()) , Reading Excel Files (readxl package) , Importing Data from Databases (DBI package) , Working with Web Data (httr, jsonlite packages)


    Module -1 – Data Manipulation:

    Subsetting and Indexing Vectors, Lists, Data Frames , Basic Data Cleaning (na.omit(), is.na())

    Using dplyr for Data Manipulation (filter(), select(), mutate(), summarize())

    Module -2 – Basic Data Visualization:

    Base R Plotting (plot(), hist(), boxplot()) , Introduction to ggplot2 (qplot(), ggplot(), geom_point(), geom_line()) , Modifying Aesthetics (Colors, Themes, Labels)

    Module -3 – Handling Strings:

    String Manipulation (paste(), substr(), toupper(), tolower()) , Regular Expressions (grep(), gsub(), strsplit())

    Module -4 – Advanced Data Structures:

    Creating and Manipulating Factors , Advanced List Manipulation , Working with Data Tables (data.table package)

    Module -5 – Advanced Data Manipulation:

    Advanced dplyr Functions (group_by(), join(), case_when()) , Data Reshaping (tidyr package – gather(), spread(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider()) , Data Table Manipulations with data.table

    Module -6 – Advanced Data Visualization:

    Advanced ggplot2 Concepts (Facets, Annotations, Themes) , Interactive Visualizations with plotly, shiny, leaflet , Customizing Plots with ggplot2 (Themes, Scales, Coordinates)


    SQL Programming

    Module -1- Introduction to SQL:

    • What is SQL?
    • History and Evolution of SQL
    • SQL Standards and Variants (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle)

    Module -2- SQL Syntax and Structure:

    • SQL Statement Types: DDL, DML, DCL, TCL
    • Understanding SQL Keywords (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc.)
    • Basic SQL Query Structure

    Module -3- Data Definition Language (DDL):

    • Creating Tables (CREATE TABLE)
    • Altering Tables (ALTER TABLE)
    • Dropping Tables (DROP TABLE)
    • Creating and Dropping Indexes (CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX)

    Module -4- Data Manipulation Language (DML):

    • Inserting Data (INSERT INTO)
    • Updating Data (UPDATE)
    • Deleting Data (DELETE)
    • Retrieving Data (SELECT)

    Module -5- Basic SQL Queries:

    • Simple SELECT Queries
    • Filtering Data using WHERE Clause
    • Sorting Results using ORDER BY
    • Limiting Results (LIMIT in MySQL, FETCH FIRST in SQL Server)

    Module -6- Aggregate Functions:

    • Using Aggregate Functions (COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX())
    • Grouping Data (GROUP BY Clause)
    • Filtering Groups (HAVING Clause)

    Module -7- Basic Joins:

    • Writing Queries with Joins
    • Self Joins and Cross Joins

    Module -8- SQL Functions:

    • String Functions (CONCAT(), SUBSTRING(), UPPER(), LOWER())
    • Date Functions (NOW(), CURDATE(), DATEADD(), DATEDIFF())
    • Numeric Functions (ROUND(), CEIL(), FLOOR())

    Module -9- Subqueries:

    • Simple Subqueries in SELECT, WHERE, FROM Clauses
    • Correlated Subqueries
    • Using Subqueries for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

    Module -10- Constraints:

    • Primary Key, Foreign Key
    • Unique, Not Null
    • Check Constraints

    Module – 1 –Basic Views:

    • Creating Views (CREATE VIEW)
    • Modifying Views (ALTER VIEW)
    • Dropping Views (DROP VIEW)

    Module – 2 –Window Functions:

    • Introduction to Window Functions (OVER Clause)
    • Ranking Functions (ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK())
    • Aggregate Window Functions (SUM() OVER, AVG() OVER)
    • Using PARTITION BY and ORDER BY in Window Functions

    Module – 3 –Stored Procedures and Functions:

    • Creating Stored Procedures (CREATE PROCEDURE)
    • Creating User-defined Functions (CREATE FUNCTION)
    • Parameters in Stored Procedures and Functions
    • Using RETURN and OUT Parameters

    Module – 4 –Triggers:

    • Creating Triggers (CREATE TRIGGER)
    • Types of Triggers (BEFORE, AFTER, INSTEAD OF)
    • Triggering Events (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

    Module – 5 –Advanced Analytics:

    • SQL for Data Analysis (Window Functions, Pivoting Data)
    • Integration with Data Science Tools (e.g., R, Python)
    • Predictive Modeling and Data Mining with SQL

    PHP Programming

    Module – 1-  Introduction to PHP:

    • What is PHP?
    • History and Evolution of PHP
    • PHP Syntax and Structure
    • PHP vs. Other Languages (Python, JavaScript)

    Module – 2 –  Setting Up the Environment:

    • Installing PHP (XAMPP, MAMP, LAMP)
    • PHP Configuration (php.ini)
    • Using PHP in a Web Server (Apache, Nginx)
    • Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

    Module – 3 –  Basic Syntax:

    • PHP Tags (<?php … ?>)
    • Comments in PHP (Single-line //, Multi-line /* … */)
    • Echoing and Printing (echo, print)

    Module – 4 –  Data Types and Variables:

    • PHP Data Types (Integers, Floats, Strings, Booleans, Arrays, Objects, NULL)
    • Variable Declaration and Naming Conventions
    • Variable Scope (Global, Local, Static)
    • Constants (define(), const)

    Module – 5 –   Operators:

    • Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %)
    • Assignment Operators (=, +=, -=, etc.)
    • Comparison Operators (==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=)
    • Logical Operators (&&, ||, !)
    • Increment/Decrement Operators (++, –)

    Module – 6 –  Control Structures:

    • Conditional Statements (if, else, elseif, switch)
    • Loops (for, foreach, while, do-while)
    • break and continue Keywords

    Module – 7 –  Functions:

    • Defining and Calling Functions (function, return)
    • Function Arguments and Default Parameters
    • Variable Scope in Functions
    • Recursive Functions

    Module – 8 –  Arrays:

    • Indexed Arrays
    • Associative Arrays
    • Multidimensional Arrays
    • Array Functions (array(), count(), array_merge(), in_array())

    Module – 9 –  String Manipulation:

    • String Operators (., .=)
    • String Functions (strlen(), strpos(), substr(), str_replace())
    • Regular Expressions (preg_match(), preg_replace())

    Module – 10 –  Forms and User Input:

    • Handling Forms with $_GET and $_POST
    • Validating User Input
    • Sanitizing Input (htmlspecialchars(), strip_tags())

    Module – 11 –  Basic File Handling:

    • Reading Files (fopen(), fread(), fgets())
    • Writing to Files (fwrite(), file_put_contents())
    • File Uploads (move_uploaded_file())
    • File Existence and Permissions (file_exists(), is_readable(), chmod())

    Module – 12 –  Basic Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

    • Classes and Objects (class, new)
    • Properties and Methods
    • Access Modifiers (public, protected, private)
    • Constructors and Destructors

    Module -1 – Advanced OOP:

    • Inheritance, Interfaces, and Traits
    • Polymorphism and Method Overriding
    • Abstract Classes and Methods
    • Static Methods and Properties
    • Magic Methods (__construct(), __destruct(), __get(), __set(), __call(), etc.)
    • Namespaces

    Module -2 – Error and Exception Handling:

    • Exception Handling (try, catch, throw)
    • Creating Custom Exceptions
    • Error Logging (error_log())
    • Using Error Handlers (set_error_handler(), register_shutdown_function())

    Module -3 – Session Management and Authentication:

    • Advanced Session Handling
    • Implementing Secure Login Systems

    Module -4 – Working with PHP Frameworks:

    • Introduction to Popular Frameworks (Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter)
    • Understanding MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture


    C# Programming


    Module -1.  C# Syntax and Basics

    • Data Types: int, float, double, string, char, bool, etc.
    • Variables and Constants: Declaration and assignment of variables.
    • Operators: Arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators.

    Module – 2. Control Structures

    • Conditional Statements: if, else if, else, switch.
    • Loops: for, while, do-while, foreach.
    • Jump Statements: break, continue, return.

    Module -3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    • Classes and Objects: Definition and usage.
    • Properties and Fields: Differences and use cases.
    • Methods: Declaring and using methods, method overloading.
    • Constructors: Default and parameterized constructors.
    • Inheritance: Base classes, derived classes, virtual and override keywords.
    • Polymorphism: Method overriding and overloading.
    • Encapsulation: Using private, protected, public access modifiers.
    • Abstraction: Abstract classes and interfaces.

    Module -4. Arrays and Collections

    • Arrays: One-dimensional and multidimensional arrays.
    • Lists: Use of List<T> and basic operations.
    • Dictionaries: Key-value pairs with Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.
    • Other Collections: Queue, Stack, etc.

    Module -5. Exception Handling

    • Try-Catch-Finally: Handling runtime errors.
    • Throw: Manually throwing exceptions.
    • Custom Exceptions: Creating your own exception classes.

    Module -6. String Manipulation

    • Basic string operations: concatenation, formatting, comparison.
    • String methods: Substring(), IndexOf(), Replace(), etc.
    • String interpolation and formatting.

    Module -7. Delegates and Events

    • Delegates: Understanding function pointers in C#.
    • Events: Declaring and handling events.
    • Lambda Expressions: Anonymous methods using lambda.

    Module -8. LINQ (Language Integrated Query)

    • Basic LINQ Queries: Filtering, selecting, sorting data.
    • LINQ to Objects: Querying in-memory collections.

    Module -9. File I/O

    • Reading from and writing to files using StreamReader and StreamWriter.
    • Basic file operations like creating, deleting, copying, and moving files.

    Module -10. Asynchronous Programming (Intro)

    • Tasks: Understanding async and await keywords.
    • Threads: Basic understanding of multithreading (optional for beginners).

    Module -11. Namespaces

    • Organizing code and using the using directive.

    Module -12. Introduction to .NET Framework / .NET Core

    • Basics of how C# runs on .NET, with an intro to .NET libraries and runtime.


    1. Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • Interfaces vs Abstract Classes: In-depth understanding of when to use each.
    • Design Patterns: Singleton, Factory, Strategy, Observer, etc.
    • SOLID Principles: Best practices for object-oriented design.
    • Dependency Injection: Inversion of control (IoC) and DI patterns.
    • Generics: Creating generic classes, methods, interfaces, and delegates.
    1. Delegates, Events, and Func/Action
    • Multicast Delegates: Handling multiple methods in a delegate.
    • Event Handling: Advanced event design patterns.
    • Func, Action, Predicate: Using these predefined delegates for functional programming.
    1. LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
    • LINQ to SQL / LINQ to Entities: Querying databases using LINQ.
    • LINQ Expressions and Lambda Expressions: Advanced query and filtering techniques.
    • Deferred Execution and Immediate Execution: How and when LINQ queries are executed.
    1. Asynchronous Programming
    • Async and Await in Depth: Understanding the task-based asynchronous pattern (TAP).
    • Task Parallel Library (TPL): Parallel tasks, continuation tasks, and task combinators (Task.WhenAll, Task.WhenAny).
    • CancellationTokens: Graceful task cancellation.
    • Concurrency and Parallelism: Multi-threading, Parallel.ForEach, and parallel LINQ (PLINQ).
    • Asynchronous Streams: IAsyncEnumerable and await foreach.
    1. Memory Management and Performance
    • Garbage Collection: Understanding how garbage collection works and optimizing memory usage.
    • Memory Leaks: Detecting and avoiding memory leaks, using IDisposable, using statement.
    • Unsafe Code and Pointers: When and how to use unsafe code for performance optimization.
    • Span<T> and Memory<T>: Optimizing memory with Span<T>, Memory<T>, and stack allocation.
    1. Reflection and Metadata
    • Reflection: Inspecting assemblies, types, and methods at runtime.
    • Dynamic Types: Using dynamic for runtime method invocation.
    • Attributes: Defining and using custom attributes to provide metadata to your code.
    • Emit: Dynamically creating types and methods at runtime.
    1. Advanced Collections
    • Concurrent Collections: ConcurrentDictionary, BlockingCollection, etc., for thread-safe collections.
    • Immutable Collections: Using ImmutableList, ImmutableDictionary for functional programming.
    • Custom Collections: Creating custom generic collections implementing IEnumerable<T>.
    1. Networking and Web Programming
    • HTTP Client: Working with HttpClient for web requests, understanding async HTTP operations.
    • Sockets and TCP/IP Programming: Building networked applications using sockets.
    • Web APIs with ASP.NET Core: Creating RESTful services.
    1. Entity Framework Core
    • Code First vs Database First: Approaches to database design with EF Core.
    • Migrations: Managing database schema changes.
    • Advanced Querying and Lazy Loading: Optimizing database queries and managing entity relationships.
    1. Dependency Injection (DI)
    • Built-in DI Framework in .NET Core: Understanding DI scopes (transient, scoped, singleton).
    • Custom Service Lifetimes: Managing lifetimes and service registration.
    • Service Locator and Factory Patterns: Techniques for dependency injection.


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