
Course : Full Stack Software Development

Software Development with Java - Core

  • Module 1

    Java Introduction , Java Installation , Java & JVM architecture , Java Data types , Variables, Keywords & Identifiers , Java Operators and Expressions , Java Control Structures.

  • Module 2

    Java Arrays , Java Methods , Java Object & Class , Java Access Specifiers , Object Oriented Programming in Java.

  • Module 3

    Java Inheritance , Java Overriding , Java Polymorphism , Java Abstraction , Java Encapsulation , Java Packages & Interfaces , Java Abstract class , Exceptional Handling in Java , Multi-Threading in Java , Applet in Java.

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    Software Development with Java - Advance

    • Module 1

      Revision of Core Java Training Modules.

    • Module 2 - JDBC

      JDBC Overview & Architecture , JDBC Driver Types , Types of ResultSet , Creating Database in MYSQL , Connecting PHP-MY-ADMIN with Java NETBEANS , Insert Records , Update Records , Delete Records , Creating Log-in Form.

    • Module 3- JSP

      JSP Introduction , Life Cycle of JSP , JSP Scriptlet Tags , JSP Expression Tags , JSP Declaration Tags , JSP Requests , JSP Response , JSP Config , JSP Application , JSP Session JSP PageContext , JSP Page , JSP Exception , JSP Page Direct , JSP CRUD Example , Development in JSP.

    • Module 4 - SERVLET

      Servlet Introduction , Servlet API , Servlet Interface , Generic Servlet , HttpServlet , How Servlet works ? , Servlet in Netbeans , ServletRequest , ServletConfig , Session Tracking Cookies in Servlet , Servlet CRUD , Development with Servlet

    • Module 5- Building Dynamic Web Application

      Introduction , GET VS POST , User Application Use Case , Adding the mysql driver jar , Create the User Table , Create the User Servlet , Implement the init and destroy methods , Load the mysql jdbc driver class , Implement the doPost method , Create User Update Servlet , Create the Read User Servlet , Create Static HTML , Create Dynamic HTML , Read User Servlet Flow , Delete User Assignment , Delete User Assignment ,

    • Module 6- Init Parameters

      Servlet Init Params Introduction , Configuring Init Params using Annotations , Use annotated init params , Annotated Init Params in action , Configure using web xml , Use init params from web xml

    • Module 7- Prepared Statement

      Create the Product Table , Create the Project , Implement the init and destroy methods , Implement the doPost Method , PreparedStatement Assignment , PreparedStatement Assignment Solution , PreparedStatement(Questions)

    • Module 8- PreInitialization of Servlets

      Pre-Initialization , Preinitialization using annotations , Preinitialization using web.xml ,

    • Module 9- Servlet Listeners

      Listeners , Create the Listener

    • Module 10- Servlet Filters

      Filters , Create the Servlet , Create the Filter

    • Module 11- Session Management

      Introduction , HTTPs Statelessness , Steps for Session Management , Session Management Usecase , Create Source Servlet , How getSession works , What is Session Tracking , Create Target Servlet , Configure the Servlets , Application Flow , Ending a Session Using Cookies , Reading Cookies , Adding Cookies , URL Rewriting

    • Module 12- MVC Design Pattern

      MVC Introduction , MVC Usecase , Create the Model , Create the Controller , MVC Final Flow

    Software Development with VB.NET - Core & Advance

    • Module 1

      Introduction to VB.NET

    • Module 2 - USING THE IDE

      Creating And Running A New Project Copying And Compressing Projects IDE Tour


      Creating Controls , Setting Properties At Design Time , Common Properties , Naming Controls , Anchoring Controls ,

    • Module 4 - COMMON CONTROLS

      Label And Textbox , Button , Check Box And Radio Button , Combo Box, Listbox, And Checked Listbox , Menus


      Group Box, Panel, And Flow Layout Panel , Tab Control And Split Container , Table Layout Panel

    • Module 6 - EVENT HANDLING

      Button and Menu Events , Paint Events , Scroll Bars

    • Module 7 - WORKING WITH FORMS

      Creating And Displaying New Forms , Re-Using Forms , Building Custom Dialogs ,

    • Module 8 - USING VARIABLES

      Declaring Variables And Performing Calculations , Using Constants , Understanding Scope , Arithmetic Operators , Enumerated Types


      Strings , String Methods , Dates, Times, And Timespans , Creating Arrays , Creating Collections , Initializing Arrays And Collections


      If Statements , Select Case Statements

    • Module 11 - LOOPING STATEMENTS

      For Loops , For Each Loops , While Loops , Do Loops ,

    • Module 12 - MAKING METHODS

      Subroutines, Functions, And Methods , ByVal And ByRef , Passing Arrays , Optional Parameters , Parameter Arrays

    • Module 13 - CLASSES

      Introduction To Classes , Creating Properties , Creating Events , Event Parameters , Inheritance And Polymorphism , Shadowing And Overriding , Overriding ToString , Overloading Methods , Constructors , Shared Members , Overloading Operators , Building Generic Classes , Building Generic Methods , Extension Methods , Implementing Interfaces , Creating Interfaces ,

    • Module 14 - PRINTING

      Printing , Printing A Report , Aligning Printed Text , Measuring Text

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