
1) Learn Unique Trading Strategy.

2) Learn Price behavior from basic to advance level.
3) Learn Volume Analysis , Sentiment Analysis  buying levels.
4) Learn Proper Entry & Exit points in the chart

5) Learn placing appropriate stoploss

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Android App Development Training in Kolkata

Need for Android App Training

  1. Understanding Core Concepts and Fundamentals
  • Foundational Knowledge: Training provides a structured approach to learning the basics of app development, including programming languages (like JavaScript for React Native), development environments, and tools.
  • Understanding Frameworks: It helps you get familiar with specific frameworks and libraries, such as React Native, that are widely used for cross-platform app development.
  1. Mastering the Latest Technologies and Trends
  • Stay Up-to-Date: The mobile app development landscape evolves rapidly. Training keeps you current with the latest tools, best practices, design guidelines, and technological advancements.
  • Industry Relevance: You learn how to use the latest frameworks, libraries, and tools, which are important for building modern, responsive, and scalable applications.
  1. Developing Practical Skills
  • Hands-On Experience: Training programs often include practical exercises, projects, and assignments that help you apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Debugging and Problem-Solving: Through training, you learn how to debug code, solve common development issues, and handle errors effectively.
  1. Building High-Quality Apps
  • Design Principles: Training covers the principles of good app design, including UI/UX, accessibility, and performance optimization.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Learn how to implement various testing strategies to ensure the app functions correctly, is bug-free, and provides a good user experience.


Course Curriculum

  • What is React Native?: Overview, history, and key features.
  • React Native vs. React.js: Understanding the similarities and differences.
  • Setting up the Development Environment: Installing Node.js, npm, Expo CLI, and React Native CLI.
  • Creating Your First React Native App: Using Expo or React Native CLI.
  • Understanding the Project Structure: File organization and core components.
  • View
  • Text
  • Image
  • TextInput
  • Button
  • ScrollView
  • FlatList
  • Syntax
  • Embedding expressions
  • JSX components
  • React Components: Class components vs. functional components.
  • State and Props: Managing state with useState and passing data via props.
  • Handling Events: Handling user input and events (like onPress, onChangeText).
  • Styling in React Native: Using the StyleSheet API, Flexbox, and understanding styles.

Navigation: Introduction to React Navigation, creating stacks, tabs, and drawer navigations

  • React Native APIs: Working with core APIs (e.g., Alert, AsyncStorage, Clipboard, Dimensions).
  • Hooks in React Native: useState, useEffect, useContext, useRef, and custom hooks.
  • Animations: Using Animated API, LayoutAnimation, and integrating third-party libraries like Reanimated.
  • Forms and Validation: Managing forms with libraries like Formik and validation using Yup.
  • Networking and API Integration: Fetching data with fetch and axios, and handling asynchronous operations with Promises and Async/Await.
  • State Management: Using Context API and Redux for global state management.
  • Middleware: Integrating Redux middleware like Thunk or Saga for handling side effects.
  • React Native Navigation Deep Dive: Advanced navigation patterns, custom navigators, deep linking, and nested navigators.
  • Architecture Patterns: Understanding Flux, MVC, MVVM, and how they apply to React Native
  • Preparing for Production: Optimization for release build, generating signed APK (Android) and IPA (iOS).
  • App Store and Google Play Deployment: Publishing process, handling app store restrictions, and understanding app updates.

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