
Our Job Guaranteed Courses

The main objective of C-Cube is to provide quality professional training to all students , enhance their skill sets and make them industry ready. Then after successful completion of the courses, we offer Guaranteed Placements on the basis of their performance and result in different leading good companies where the candidates specially the Freshers get a very good opportunity to learn and gain valuable experience of working in a good company or in other words we provide just the right kind of platform require to start a careers on a high note ,excel gradually and be successful in career.

Our Placement Partner

Our Placement Partner is Anudip Foundation, NGO operating in India, Bangladesh and USA and they offer aspirational livelihoods to socially marginalized people by skilling them at  vocational and skill development training centers. Currently C-Cube Centre of Computer Education is working in joint collaboration with Anudip Foundation in providing  Job Placements to students all over Kolkata.

Start your IT Career
with 100% Job-Assistance

MS Excel Expert

Digital Literacy

Financial Literacy

Work place IT

Work Place Readiness

Workplace English

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