
1) Learn Unique Trading Strategy.

2) Learn Price behavior from basic to advance level.
3) Learn Volume Analysis , Sentiment Analysis  buying levels.
4) Learn Proper Entry & Exit points in the chart

5) Learn placing appropriate stoploss

Training Partners

Marketing Analytics Training in Kolkata

Need for Marketing Analytics Training

Our share trading course is a highly interactive and practical program. We use different Indian and Global stocks to demo nstrate the learning process. The objective of this share market coaching is to prepare investo rs and traders to trade like professionals. You’ll learn enough domain knowledge, expertise and be acquainted with the active trading world with an emphasis on Technical Analysis, Risk Management, Trading psychology and the use of case studies.

From our long years of trading experience, we have often seen that traders enter the market without the necessary knowledge and practice. As a result, they take excessive and unnecessary risks hoping for higher returns. Our share market learning center in Kolkata will teach you in-depth knowledge of trading and trade the market successfully with confidence.

Course Curriculum

  • Overview of marketing analytics and its importance
  • Setting up a marketing analytics project
  • Data collection and preparation in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Create a sample marketing analytics dataset in Excel
  • Introduction to descriptive analytics
  • Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
  • Measures of variability (range, variance, standard deviation)
  • Summary statistics in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Calculate summary statistics for a sample marketing dataset in Excel
  • Introduction to inferential statistics
  • Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing
  • T-tests and ANOVA
  • Interpreting results in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Conduct a t-test and ANOVA analysis in Excel
  • Introduction to regression analysis
  • Simple and multiple linear regression
  • Assumptions of linear regression
  • Interpreting results in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Perform a simple linear regression analysis in Excel
  • Introduction to data visualization
  • Types of charts (bar, pie, line, scatter)
  • Creating charts in Excel
  • Best practices for data visualization
  • Practical exercise: Create a chart to visualize a sample marketing dataset in Excel
  • Introduction to market segmentation
  • Types of market segmentation (demographic, geographic, behavioral)
  • Creating segments in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Segment a sample marketing dataset using demographic variables in Excel
  • Introduction to predictive modelling
  • Types of predictive models (logistic regression, decision trees, random forest)
  • Building and evaluating predictive models in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Build and evaluate a simple logistic regression model in Excel
  • Introduction to optimization and simulation
  • Types of optimization problems (maximize, minimize)
  • Creating simulations in Excel
  • Practical exercise: Optimize a marketing budget using simulated data in Excel
  • Introduction to big data analytics
  • Working with large datasets in Excel
  • Using big data tools (e.g. Power BI, Tableau) for analytics
  • Practical exercise: Load and analyze a large dataset using Power BI
  • Advanced topics in marketing analytics (e.g. text analysis, sentiment analysis)
  • Using R or Python for advanced analytics
  • Case studies in marketing analytics
  • Group discussion and project presentation

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